A Comprehensive Guidebook that Turns You into a Rosé Aficionado

Unlock the world of rosé by using this guidebook to transform you from a casual wine drinker into a confident rosé connoisseur, ready to impress at any gathering.

Imagine This: Your Rosé Journey Transformed

Ever wondered what it would be like to truly master the world of rosé? I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed by the choices and nuances of rosé wine. You want to enjoy this delightful pink drink but don’t know where to start. I’ve been there, and I understand your journey. That’s why I’ve created this guidebook—to simplify the complex world of rosé and make it accessible to you.

Inside you'll be able to:

Be Confident In Your Selection: No more guessing at the wine store. You’ll know exactly what to look for, selecting the perfect rosé every time with confidence.

Create Perfect Pairings: Impress your friends with your ability to effortlessly pair rosé with a variety of delicious dishes, enhancing every meal and social gathering. 

Gain Deep Knowledge: Understand the history, regions, and varieties of rosé, making you the go-to expert in your circle. Share fascinating insights and stories, becoming the life of every conversation.

Taste Like a Pro: Master the art of wine tasting, including how to assess color, aroma, and taste.

Develop Your Palate: Learn techniques to refine your palate and appreciate the subtle nuances of different rosé wines.

About Me

Meet Your Rosé Guide: Jaime Brown. With a WSET Level 2 certification in wine & spirits and a rich background as a creative digital marketer, wine journalist, and entrepreneur, I’ve traveled across Europe tasting and learning about the best rosés.

My journey from dance teaching to digital marketing and launching a diverse lipstick brand has equipped me with unique insights and expertise. I know the struggles of navigating the wine world, and I’m here to make it easier for you.

I believe everyone can become a rosé expert with the right guidance and passion!

What You Need To Know

The Details

In just a few weeks, you’ll become a rosé expert without the confusion and overwhelm.

  • Enjoy immediate access to exclusive bonuses: Upon purchase, you'll receive a beautifully designed printable wine tasting placemat, 10 wine tasting sheets complete with a glossary and color sheet .
  • Stay informed: You’ll receive updates via email as we get closer to the release date.
  • Walk away with confidence: You’ll walk away with a comprehensive understanding of rosé, the ability to confidently select and pair wines, and the knowledge to impress your friends and family with your expertise.